Fine Like ME                 

                                                                                                        Handcrafted - Uniquely - Designed - Jewelry
                                                                                                      Members of North American Retail Association

A closer look of the universe reveals little gem stones floating on a backdrop of endless potential and undeniable power.  

We live on one of those powerful balls of color - the gem stone we call Earth. We derive our total sustenance from it, in fact we are made wholly  and completely from the elements of our Mother, Earth. 

So, let it be clear that we live on, eat from and were made from a gem stone.  It is only relative that we are enlivened from wearing them as well.

This is why master designers Mocksheriel and ElAneet of Fine Like ME promotes the use of stones in the pursuit of beauty, health and happiness. From gem stone therapy, a vegan diet, to the wearing and touching of semi-precious stones you are made better as you become one with that from which you are made.  Wear our products and people will want to be Fine Like You. 

Welcome To The Wonderful World Of Nature
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Designer Jewelry Parties at our location or 
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Fine Like ME
Fine Like ME
Fine Like ME
Fine Like ME
Fine Like ME
Fine Like ME
Celebrity Designer Jewelers