Developed by Ascendant Master Queen ElAnee
Paradise Horizons
Paradise Horizons Sacred System is a *wholistic system of purging, healing and mastery carefully taught in phases. Each one designed to; balance the forces of internal and external energies; stimulating the left and right hemispheres of the brain and quickening the layers of potentiality that color yet often obscure the light of our spirit.
The Paradise Horizons System
- Classes are held in an atmosphere conducive to "Letting Go". Peaceful music is played and lights are dimmed. This atmosphere assists students to go within as they search to find something new that they can learn about themselves. This initial process of "environmental staging" is essential to reaching the goal of self-awareness that represents 90% of all "wholistic" self-help.
- The Breath of Life. Proper breathing is essential to wellness and balance. Breathing is one of the first things that we do when we come to this earth plane and it is the last thing that is done when one leaves. In times of stress controlling ones breathing can effectively alter the mood of the situation. It is taught that if you can control your breath you can control your universe. Aroma therapy is incorporated into this session if requested.
- Basic body techniques called Movements For Improvement can be incorporated. If requested, the student is guided through various gentle body positions designed for greater relaxation. Causing the muscles to stretch and bend thereby mental clarity, focus and flexibility are dramatically increased. These movements gradually elevate in intensity increasing mental and spiritual strength. At a comfortable stage rhythmic breathing is incorporated into the movement patterns in a manner that in time becomes habitual and automatic.
- Sound therapy is a major factor in the success of the Paradise Horizons system. Participants let go as relaxing sounds remind them of the joy of life. Being the universal language music, is the common denominator that we use as a means to bridge the gap between all barriers. Participants realize change through this system via sound expression, graceful movements and vocal releasing.
- "As a Man Thinketh So Is He". This adage has been handed down through the ages and is just as relevant today. Paradise Horizons Sacred System of Divine Wellness places heavy emphasis on creating a paradigm of positive thinking. Thoughts are actually things and if we could measure them, we would see that some thoughts can become anti-productive due to their heavy weight. Therefore we focus on the elimination of negative thoughts and the burdens associated with them. Our aim is to replace them with positive, light, creative and happy images. The end result is a more empowered, more balanced and peaceful individual, consequently a more balanced and productive family, community and society. Our desired end result is The Kingdom of God with a more balanced, peaceful and productive world. Through or divine system we envision Paradise on the distant Horizon.
Paradise Horizons Sacred System of Divine Wellness sessions are available privately or to groups of 4 or more.
The HOW Institute
4600 Carnegie Ave.
Cleveland, Ohio 44103
Experience it Today - Feel Better Tomorrow!
Ascendant Master Yogini ElAnee
Founder: HOW Intl. Ministries and Institute
Doctor of Divinity ad honorem: Universal Life Church
International Health and Wellness Practitioner & Lecturer: Israel, Ethiopia, Ghana, So. Africa
Founder: Paradise Horizons International
Co-founder: Handwriting On the Wall Institute HOW
Ordained Minister: Universal Life Church
Panelist: Race Food and Justice
Talk Show: Paradise Horizons. WOVU 95.9 FM
Lecturer and Health Instructor: Raw Spirit International Prescott, AZ; DC
Lecturer: Seek the Light Expo
Director of Art Culture and Diversity: Federation of Network Ministries
Director of Art Culture and Diversity: Trinity Outreach Ministries
2009: Sustainability Provider: State of Ohio ODADAS
2004: Certified with the Ministry of Health, Dimona, Israel's Village of Peace
2003: Registered Lymphatic Practitioner: Foundation of Lymphatic Practitioners
2002: Advanced Masters Physical Manipulation -
W.L. Lillard Jerusalem, Israel
1998-2004: Administrator - Soul Vegetarian at Kilimanjaro
Yoga Teacher 13 years - Creative Yoga School Cleveland,OH
1998 - 2005: Divine Health - School of the Prophets
Dimona, Israel
1982 Initiate - Knights of the All Seeing Eye,
Universal Hagar Association
1988-1992: Staff Writer, "The Light" spiritual column, Echelon Magazine
1987: Graduate Yoga Philosophy - Creative Yoga School Cleveland, OH
Graduate Yoga I II and III - Creative Yoga School
Cleveland, OH
Playwright: SPIRIT
Author: Angel of the Jordan River
and Mike the Knife (soon to be released)
CDs: Echoes of an African Soul
and I Used to Wonder
"Wholistic" is a word! Not often used in mainstream language, yet it is common in Afrocentric Spiritual Communities referring to the totality of healing modalities. Thus, it is a whole system, not the common linear approach to wellness that we find the world swiftly moving away from today.
At the age of twenty-three I thanked the creator for my beautiful apartment, my new car and my clothes. I had a good job and life was great! Then I put out my cigarette and went to sleep. As I closed my eyes the spirit came to me and taught me a beautiful lesson: "My only valued physical possession was my body; my perfect heart, my lungs working in divine order & my eyes to see with." In essence my body was the only true posession that I ever really had. When I woke up and rushed off to work the episodes of the night before were buried under the hustle and bustle of my conscious mind. In fact three days passed before a co-worker came to me and asked for a cigarette. Astonished, I admonished him and surprized myself with my response...
Then I thought about it...I don't smoke?? I don't smoke! I remembered the prayer that I had humbly prayed days prior and praised God for the blessing of removing the desire even the very thought of smoking from my consciousness. From then on systems of spiritual enlightenment fell at my feet. Today my prayer is that everyone receives the abundant blessings, of our Creator's eternal presence as I have. This revelation was the seed of Paradise Horizons Sacred System of Divine Wellness, the strength that propelled me through life's formidable test and the inspiration behind my life changing book Angel of the Jordan River.
Your Humble Servant,
Queen Mother ElAnee
We Offer:
*Private Sessions
Guided Meditations
Breath of Life Class
Paradise Horizons Stress Relief Classes
Eat Right Live Right
Spiritual Counseling
Vegan Transition
Biblical Hermanutics
Celestial Science
Head Wrapping
*Book Reading:
Angel of the Jordan River
Prophecy Barack
Obama and the
Winds of Change
*Celestial Science
You Are Welcome
WOVU "OUR VOICES UNITED" 95.9 FM invites you to a once in a life time journey to Paradise with ElAnee.
Every Monday Evening at 11 PM.
It will leave you refreshed and empowered.
Sessions last a half hour.
Click Below
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